Bylaws & legal information


The ESGCT is registered in Germany with the District Court as a non-profit entity
Europäische Gesellschaft für Gen- und Zelltherapie e.V. (VR 3731)


Registered address:
European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
c/o ESGCT Executive Board 
Hannover Medical School
Institute of Experimental Haematology OE6960
Carl Neuberg Str. 1
Hannover 30625

Correspondence address:
1 Abbey Street, Oxford OX29 4TB, United Kingdom
send us an email

Digital content rights
All material (including but not limited to images, photographs, and films) you access on the ESGCT website are owned by ESGCT and reproduction is not permitted; should you wish to use any of the material, please email

Tax registration number:
DE 304446032
The ESGCT operates the VAT reverse-charge system. VAT is charged and payable on invoices issued to companies in Germany.

DUNS Number:

The ESGCT banks with the Sparkasse Heidelberg, full banking details are included in our official invoices to suppliers and delegates / members.

We accept bank transfers and payment by card, our card payment processing is done by STRIPE.